Chewing Through Challenges: How We Reduced Bullymake's CPA by 40%

40% Reduction in CPA

Over 500,000 New Subscribers

Sustained $1M+/Month in Profitable Ad Spend

Enhanced Content Engagement

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About BullyMake

At the heart of Bullymake lies a deep understanding of the joy and challenges that come with owning a power-chewing dog.

Established in 2014, Bullymake set out on a mission to revolutionize the dog toy industry. Their focus? To deliver durable, engaging toys that withstand even the most vigorous chewers, ensuring satisfaction for dogs and peace of mind for owners.

In our partnership with Structured, the objective was clear: to enhance Bullymake's online presence, particularly in the face of rising customer acquisition costs. Together, we aimed to bring their mission of providing durable, engaging toys to more families, fostering joyful playtime for dogs nationwide.

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Expanding Reach While Ensuring Profitability On Meta




Expanding Reach While Ensuring Profitability On Meta

When Bullymake partnered with us, they were navigating the challenges of digital marketing in a post-iOS14 landscape. They experienced a noticeable surge in their blended Customer Acquisition Cost (CPA) on Meta platforms, a hurdle that demanded immediate attention for a brand dedicated to creating robust toys for power chewers.

Our audit of their account showed two critical areas needing improvement:

  1. Elevated Content Strategy: The crux of Bullymake's challenge was a content strategy that had hit a plateau. The brand's innovative, durable toys warranted a marketing narrative just as dynamic and engaging. However, the existing content ecosystem lacked the diversity and testing cadence needed to captivate a broader audience and resonate with the specific needs of power chewers and their parents.
  2. Harnessing Authentic Experiences: In a niche where product durability is the most important, Bullymake's storytelling needed a stronger foundation in real-world experiences. The potency of User-Generated Content (UGC) remained largely untapped, leaving potential customers without the persuasive narrative of seeing Bullymake toys withstand the enthusiastic test of true power chewers.

What were the pain points?

The main challenge here: Navigating Post-iOS14 Digital Terrain for Sustainable Growth

Bullymake found themselves at a crossroads, facing escalating Customer Acquisition Costs (CPA) that threatened their ability to grow sustainably. This challenge was compounded by a digital marketing strategy that needed a fresh perspective to break through the clutter and connect with their target audience.

Some key challenges faced were that Bullymake’s content strategy was no longer making the impact it once did. It needed a revamp to stay relevant and appealing to both existing and potential customers. Furthermore, despite having a product perfect for dynamic, real-world showcasing, Bullymake had yet to fully harness the power of User-Generated Content (UGC). This untapped resource was crucial for demonstrating product durability and building trust with their audience.

So Bullymake had to ask themselves 3 crucial questions:

  • How to rejuvenate their content strategy to cut through the digital noise and captivate their audience?
  • What steps were needed to authentically showcase their products' durability and appeal?
  • What steps were needed to optimize marketing efforts and counteract rising CPA?

It became clear to us that a strategic overhaul was necessary to align their marketing efforts with the evolving digital landscape and their ambitious growth goals.

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How did we do it?

Our approach was twofold: rejuvenate Bullymake's content landscape and harness the untapped potential of User-Generated Content (UGC), all aimed at reducing CPA and bolstering the brand's visibility.

We launched the Creator Content Program, bringing together a vibrant community of content creators to breathe new life into Bullymake's digital narrative. These creators crafted a variety of video content, each script tailored to showcase the resilience and appeal of Bullymake's products from multiple perspectives. This initiative not only enriched the brand's content repertoire but also ensured that Bullymake's unique selling proposition was communicated compellingly and engagingly.

We also tapped into influencer whitelisting, gaining direct access to influencers' social platforms to run authentic ads that resonated deeply with the audience. This strategic move led to a marked reduction in CPA, streamlining our advertising efforts towards greater efficiency and impact.

To deepen customer engagement and education, we devised custom listicle landing pages themed around "5 Reasons Why", blending marketing with informative content to enhance customer insight and drive conversions.

Recognizing TikTok's burgeoning role in digital marketing, we expanded Bullymake's footprint on the platform. By leveraging TikTok Spark Ads and Instant Pages, we ensured a seamless, engaging user experience that guided potential customers smoothly from discovery to purchase.

Building on this made the next steps easy:

Content Diversification:

Armed with a wealth of creative content, we expanded our horizons, exploring new themes, formats, and narratives to keep the brand's messaging fresh, relevant, and engaging.

UGC Integration:

We seamlessly wove User-Generated Content into our campaigns, showing real-world testimonials and experiences to underline the durability and effectiveness of Bullymake's products.

Platform Optimization:

Our strategy into TikTok was further optimized with targeted campaigns and content tailored for the platform's unique dynamics, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

Data-Driven Insights for Refinement:

Utilizing real-time analytics, we tailored every facet of our marketing strategy to ensure maximum engagement and conversion. Continuous performance monitoring allowed us to concentrate our efforts on the most impactful creative campaigns, driving quality traffic and achieving high conversion rates.

This comprehensive strategy not only addressed Bullymake's immediate challenges but also laid the groundwork for sustained growth and engagement in the digital space.

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Account Overview

We Inherited an Account That Had:

  • A rising Customer Acquisition Cost (CPA) post-iOS14 updates.
  • Low profitability
  • Limited engagement.
  • Underutilization of User-Generated Content (UGC)
  • No whitelisting

What We Implemented for Bullymake:

Creator Content Program Launch:

We assembled a team of content creators to revitalize Bullymake's marketing materials. This produced a variety of video content that delved into different aspects of Bullymake's products, enhancing the brand's narrative in a more compelling manner.

Influencer Whitelisting Strategy:

We implemented an influencer whitelisting, gaining direct ad access through influencers' social media accounts. This move significantly lowered the CPA, enhancing the efficiency and reach of our advertising campaigns.

Development of Custom Listicle Landing Pages:

We crafted custom listicle landing pages themed around "5 Reasons Why", combining marketing efforts with informative content to bolster customer insights and drive conversions.

Expansion to TikTok:

Acknowledging TikTok's pivotal role in modern digital marketing, we extended Bullymake's digital footprint to include this platform. Utilizing the high engagement rates of TikTok, we employed Spark Ads and Instant Pages to ensure a seamless and engaging user experience

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Main points to note:

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The Outcome?

40% Reduction in CPA

Over 500,000 New Subscribers

Sustained $1M+/Month in Profitable Ad Spend

Enhanced Content Engagement

If you’re looking to elevate your brand and achieve long term sustainable growth, we’d love to discuss how our expertise can drive your success. Enter your details below, and let’s start the conversation!